Friday, February 5, 2010

Nominate You Sing, I Write to Attend SXSW!

Wednesday night at the SoundCtrl event I found out about the Flash Fwd endeavor they're putting together with the help of Pepsi Music. It's a campaign to honor people using technology, social and digital media to reshape the music industry. Basically, you vote for innovators in the music field and winners will receive travel and lodging to the SXSW Interactive Festival!

I know many of you loved my South By Southwest coverage last year and have been eagerly asking me about my attendance this year. Unfortunately, having five weddings coming up (including being in four!) I've opted against traveling to festivals since most of my money is going to my site relaunch and wedding festivities. But, if you REALLY want me to go you can nominate me to attend! Find more info below:

"You are invited to nominate and vote on individuals, groups and organizations for this award. Nominees are people you think are having a meaningful impact on the future of music through the innovative application of online and/or mobile technology. To become a finalist, each nominee must a minimum of 50 votes. Voting is now live and closes the last week in February. Do your part & nominate your favorite company or fellow innovator and tell us why their ideas FlashFWD. Five winners will be determined by an anonymous voting process by the SoundCtrl board members and announced the 1st week in March. Winners will receive travel and lodging to the SXSW Interactive Festival and will be recognized at the inaugural FlashFWD event on March 16th."

I just need 50 votes to be in the running, so if you'd like me to attend SXSW you can enter me here. Be sure to list the nominee name as Annie Reuter, Web site and Email Thank you for your support!

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