Sunday, February 28, 2010

Last Day to Nominate YSIW for SXSW!

Today is the last day of February, which means it's also the final day to nominate me for SoundCtrl and Pepsico's contest to win travel and lodgings to SXSW! I know a few days ago I was close to the 50 minimum votes, but I'm sure the more I have the better chance I have to winning and covering SXSW for you!

I thought I'd share part of the interview I had with SoundCtrl just so you know more about me and how my passion for music journalism began.

Why and how did you get involved in the music industry?

I decided to become a music journalist after covering a Gavin DeGraw concert my sophomore year of college. I still remember it perfectly. I was standing in the front row, notebook and pen in one hand, digital camera in the other and I just remember thinking, “If I could do this the rest of my life I would!” Gavin was my first impromptu band interview, I just walked up to him after the show and asked him a few questions for the school paper.

My remaining time at Rutgers was spent writing for the entertainment section, interning at JANE Magazine, MTV News and eventually Rolling Stone. I’d cover and interview every band that came to Rutgers and pitched them to my internships. While I was a journalism major and always knew I wanted to write, it wasn’t until his concert that it hit me that I could actually do this for a living. Since graduating, I started up my blog, managed a band and act as a publicist for artists I truly believe in. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.

Glad to report that this excitement for covering shows and interviewing bands has never faded. I still can't believe all the festivals I've attended and bands I've met the past two years! I just relived everything in photos yesterday when Wendy uploaded her flickr page. Feel free to check out photos of All Points West, CMA Festival, Graceland, touring with Army of Me and The Used and some of my interviews here.

If you haven't voted for me yet, you still have a few hours left! To nominate me, click here.
Be sure to list the nominee name as Annie Reuter
Web site

Make sure you click on the confirmation email after your vote so it registers. Thanks for all your support over the past two years, it means the world!

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