Friday, February 12, 2010

Mat Kearney Live at Ramapo Tonight

I'll be catching Mat Kearney tonight at Ramapo College with my cousins and covering it on Twitter if you'd like to follow along. I rated his New York performance last year as one my top 5 concerts of 2009 and am psyched to see his set tonight! His latest release, City of Black & White is easily one of my most listened to albums of 2009 and my cousin shares the same sentiments.

Every now and then a band sings a song that really hits home. Maybe something major is going on in your life, making you take a step back and reassess things. Perhaps you're just confused as to the direction you're headed and a simple three minute song clarifies it all for you. If you are really lucky, a friend or family member feels exactly the same way. This is partly why I'm so excited to share tonight with my cousins.

Last year, a few days before my birthday, I received by far the nicest message anyone could ever say to me via text. My cousin is going to kill me for typing this up, but (being part Italian) I have TONS of cousins so most likely he will still remain (somewhat) anonymous. I thought I'd share it with you all since many of you have been following my adventures since day one and are practically family already.

"Hey Annie what's up, I've been reading your blog and it's awesome. I can't wait until your name is published in a HUGE MAGAZINE, because I know it will be, and I just wanted to ask you if you ever interview Mat Kearney again just let me know please. I really want you to tell him how much he influenced my life and how amazing his lyrics are, they really touched me. But above him, I care more about you. I can't wait until I see the words 'Annie Reuter, editor in chief' in the 'Rolling Stone' magazine. Good luck I love you."

Every now and then when I start to rethink this crazy life of mine as a music journalist I reread this text and it puts life back into perspective. I can't wait to enjoy the show tonight as a music fan, and most importantly with my family.

Feel free to follow the show tonight on Twitter. For more on Mat Kearney, visit his Web site. If you haven't listened to my interview with Mat, click here to learn about his latest album, writing process and stories behind the songs. For his view on writing about personal relationships, being an opening act and advice to aspiring musicians, click here.

Related Links:
Q&A with Mat Kearney
Album Review: Mat Kearney's "City of Black & White"
Mat Kearney: Nashville Troubadour
So Long 2009, Bring on 2010

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