Sunday, April 26, 2009

Poll of the Week: What Do You Enjoy Most on You Sing, I Write?

I've been receiving more responses from the poll questions lately, which I'm always excited about! It seems that while most who answered last week's question, How Did You Stumble On You Sing, I Write? seem to be a friend or family member, I received many votes for "Other."

From the comments I found out that some readers stumbled on the blog from popular music network MOG while others did by searching for artist interviews. Always good to know. Thanks to everyone who participated and left their response in the comments, as I'm constantly trying to serve you, the readers, better!

Now onto this week's poll question: What Do You Enjoy Most on You Sing, I Write?


Concert Reviews

New Artist Features

Album Reviews


I'm interested to read your votes, as this will help me get a better feel as to what I should feature more on the blog. If you love the artist interviews, I'll make sure to have a new one up each week or if you like show reviews, I'll be sure to catch as many as I can! Thanks again for participating, I look forward to reading the results! As always, if there is something you want me to post more of that's not an option, feel free to mention it in the comments!

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