Sunday, April 19, 2009

Poll of the Week: How Did You Stumble On You Sing, I Write?

I was explaining to my sister the wonders of Twitter this past week and how I've noticed more traffic on my blog since joining. While I don't think I was too convincing (she hasn't joined yet), it got me curious as to how you first heard about You Sing, I Write and what keeps you coming back.

I'm sure there are more reasons than the five selections I'll post in the poll this week, so feel free to leave anything I may have missed in the comments. I'm really curious to see how you found my blog and if there's anything I should be doing to get it more notice.

This past week's poll winner for question, What festival are you most looking forward to? was a tie between Lollapalooza and Warped Tour. I received a lot of great comments on Warped Tour which only convinces me to attend this year!

Now to this week's poll: How Did You Stumble On You Sing, I Write?



Word of Mouth

You're a friend/family member badgered to read about my latest posts via Facebook messages, Gmail statuses or curiosity.


You have until next Sunday to post your vote before the poll closes. If I left any options from the list, feel free to leave them in the comment section!

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