Thursday, April 29, 2010

Meet the Artist Who Inspired Girls Who Rock

A few weeks ago, I told you about the benefit concert for She's the First I'll be helping with. She’s the First is a media campaign that promotes the importance of educating girls who would otherwise not have the opportunity to go to school. In the upcoming weeks I'll be announcing each artist performing at the June 10th show in NYC. Stay tuned!

This week, I chatted with Kelli Pyle, the singer who inspired the Girls Who Rock concert. With her sultry singing style and seductive dance moves, Pyle sings everything from R&B to blues, jazz and pop. Not to mention, she has shared the stage with Usher, Alicia Keys and John Legend. The Missouri born and bred singer now calls New York her home where you can catch her performing live. Read on to find out more on Kelli and what She's the First means to her.

What first sparked your decision to pursue a career in music?
I've always loved to entertain ever since I can remember. Music has always meant so much to me. When I was little I used to always ask my dad to turn the radio to the station that played 1930s and 1940s music and I would dance to it and feel so inspired. My mom said she used to play "P.Y.T." by Michael Jackson for me while I was in her tummy. I think it was something that I was born with. A natural love for music and to perform.

What inspires you?
This is a deep question because so many things inspire me. Something as simple as a flower, a poem, seeing the sunrise, nature, seeing others do good deeds. There are so many inspiring things around us everyday and I think sometimes we overlook them because we get so caught up in the hectic lives we live.

What are some of the obstacles you've faced?
I've had a blessed life, with good parents and a solid upbringing so that really set a foundation for my life, but I think I face the same challenges a lot of girls my age face. At some point in our lives as girls we face issues with self doubt hoping we can live up to the standard society has set for us. In the music industry the media paints a picture of "perfect women" and there is no such thing. So sometimes you find yourself comparing yourself to others and that's never good. I've learned that I'm exactly who I am for a reason I love every part of me! I'm 100% confident in who I am.

How did you overcome them?
I'm confident in what I do and the decision I make in life. I make sure that when I wake up in the morning I start off positive and I'm thankful for everything I do have. And with that I feel I can overcome anything.

What's your songwriting process? 
Sometimes it starts off as a poem, sometimes a melody, sometimes a good lyric, sometimes it's getting in the studio with talented people and feeding off their creative energy. It's all those wrapped into one big bundle that makes a good song.

What was your favorite subject to learn in school, besides music?
Anything to do with animals. I loved when we were able to study animals and nature and how the world works. I also really enjoyed nutrition and how it applies to the body. I'm passionate about eating organically and taking good care of my body so that was always interesting to me. I also really liked English, especially when we were challenged to write a story. Writing always came very natural to me and was very therapeutic. As a kid I remember writing many poems under a big white birch tree we had my yard.

What were you the first to do or what will you be the first to do?
I want to inspire people with my music. I know I won't be the first person to ever inspire someone with music, but I want to be the first to inspire someone in a way they've never felt. I want girls to feel empowered by what I stand for which is giving back, loving yourself, respecting this world we live in. This is why I'm so honored to be a part of "She's the First" because it represent the same things I do.

What's the next big thing happening in your career?
I'm working hard on promoting my Kelli Pyle album which is available and out now on itunes. I will be performing for "She's the First" benefit so I'm really excited about that. I'm taking steps everyday to climb this ladder of success and reach the top and I always want to make sure I enjoy the journey. I never want to lose sight of why I started in the beginning.

What's your favorite 'girl power' song?
I love the song "Video" by India Arie. I've listened to that song so many times to feel empowered. India Arie isn't your typical artist she is outside of the box and she is truly beautiful for that. That song allows women to really sing a song that says "Hey I'm beautiful no matter what." And I love that. It's a great thing to leave women with empowerment instead of degrading them like so many songs do in this day and age! I love it when she says "Go on and love yourself, everything is gonna be just fine." Girls need to love themselves so they can give back and love the world.

Why did you decide to get involved with She's the First?
It's an amazing cause. Girls are the future. If we can shape and mold them into strong women then the world will be a better place. Girls become mothers who set the foundations for our children. So if we start with putting girls first and giving them the love, education, and direction they need then we are securing a bright future!

Kelli Pyle's impressive debut self-titled album is available now on iTunes. For more on Kelli be sure to give her a listen on MySpace. You can catch Kelli live at Crash Mansion May 6. To find out more about She's the First, visit

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