Tuesday, March 2, 2010

PT Walkley, Greg Holden and Ian Axel Perform at Joe's Pub Tonight

Photo Credit: Wendy Hu

Quite possibly my favorite thing about being a music journalist is discovering new bands before they make it big. Whether my coverage precedes a write-up in Rolling Stone or a song being placed in hit TV shows like Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice, in a way it helps confirm that my music taste is ahead of the curve. Or, so I'd like to think!

I'm excited tonight to be catching three sets at Joe's Pub, two of which are bands I've already covered and interviewed. Feel free to follow along on Twitter as I'll be reviewing the show live. And, if you haven't yet, check out my interview with Greg Holden here and PT Walkley here. For more on each artist, you can find their MySpace below.

PT Walkley on MySpace.
Greg Holden on MySpace.
Ian Axel on MySpace.

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