Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Band of the Week: Mourning District

If single, "Bullet and a Bright Side" is any indication of the future for Mourning District, the band is bound to sell out concert venues in no time. It doesn't hurt that their arena friendly pop-rock brings about comparisons to Jimmy Eat World and The Ataris (probably because most in the band were former Ataris members). Sure to garner attention from indie lovers everywhere, my bet is for this band to become huge within the next few months.

"Bullet and a Bright Side" does what the first song on every album should do — beg the listener for more. Paul Carabello's vocals have that familiar quality as he easily captivates his audience. Mid-track includes a solid instrumental buildup to the close and fadeout of the song. After just one listen, it's hard to imagine why this band hasn't blown up yet.

Whether they're blending electric guitar features or pounding on the drum kit, Mourning District brings a fearless energy that I haven't seen in many releases this year. With songs this good, one can only imagine what they're like live.

"Say It's Alright" encompasses solid guitar playing and percussion beats blending well with Carabello's vocals, never overpowering, but remaining to leave a mark of it's own. "Pont Rouge" is a slower track with emotional lyrics. "Fall is over/I look back at nights I created/Through an aching smile/Under snowfall I stare at the lights/Willing them to turn into blue eyes/Into another moment/I'm on your side/Under pont rouge lights." A nice breakup from the more energetic tracks, Mourning District proves they're able to switch gears without losing their signature style.

Displaying just four songs, the band's MySpace is a glimpse into their forthcoming debut, due out this winter. And, if these four songs are any indication, Mourning District just may be New York's breakthrough band of 2009.

To listen to "Bullet and a Bright Side" click here. If you like what you hear, you can download the single for free on SendSpace and be sure to visit Mourning District's MySpace for upcoming tour dates.

Recommended: For fans of The Gaslight Anthem, Jimmy Eat World, The Ataris.

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