Sunday, May 10, 2009

Poll of the Week: What New Features Do You Want to See on You Sing, I Write?

Well, I successfully (or unsuccessfully) however you decide to look at it, applied to be Diddy's assistant as you may have read from yesterday's post. The majority of you voted last week for me to apply and wrote the most encouraging messages, which definitely persuaded me to audition. All in all, it was an experience I won't forget anytime soon!

Now onto this week's poll question: What New Features Do You Want to See on You Sing, I Write?

This is more of an open-ended question than a multiple choice selection, so I really want to read your ideas in the comments. I'll give you a few suggestions, but ultimately I'm looking for your creative input this week. While I've learned that many of you enjoy the artist features and interviews from a previous poll, I'm curious to see what my blog may be lacking that you want to see. More contests? Auditions? (for my sake, I hope not!) Music streams? Live Twitter updates on the sidebar? Or, how about recommendations? For example, maybe at the bottom of an album or concert review I'll put a list of artists the musician sounds like. See my Mat Kearney review for an example.

Let me know. My friend Jennilyn and I have been brainstorming in our free time and it's so important to get your ideas as well! Please leave your suggestions in the comments. I look forward to reading each one!

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